Sina at the Vessel in Hudson Yards, New York.

Hi, my name is

Sina Nikmaram.

I'm a software engineer specializing in the development of scalable solutions for complex, real-world problems.

Currently, I'm focused on modernizing enterprise sustainability operations with clients at IBM.



Technology Engineer
June 2022 - Present
  • Lead Engineer on a collaboration with IBM Research to dynamically graph weighted industry relationships, over time, for a multi-national financial client.
  • Co-led an engagement with a public utility provider to leverage IBM's Maximo Asset Performance Monitoring (APM) solution to reduce service down-time by using real-time sensor data to predict circuit breaker failures.
  • Awarded Star Performer for the Client Engineering team at IBM's Technology Academy for Sustainability 2022.
Associate Cloud Engineer
March 2021 - June 2022
  • Deployed IBM MQ managers on an internet deprived Google GKE cluster for a global financial client modernizing messaging workloads to boost service resiliency.
  • Spoke at several virtual events to up-skill dozens of engineers on the technical deployment, and business value, of IBM's Maximo Application Suite.
  • Refactored a CLI tool with Python, shell scripts, and Docker for IBM Cloud Pak for Data installations on OpenShift.
Software Engineering Resident
Hack Reactor
June 2020 - September 2020
  • Provided technical mentorship to 100+ students nationally, and guided them through learning technologies such as JavaScript, React, Express.js, MySQL, and MongoDB.
  • Organized 3+ tutoring sessions with students weekly. These sessions covered a range of full-stack web development concepts from primitive data types to integrations with 3rd party API’s.
Software Engineering Student
Hack Reactor
March 2020 - June 2020
    Undergraduate Student
    Fairleigh Dickinson University
    August 2014 - May 2019
    • B.S. in Marketing
    • Minor in Communications
    • Communications National Honor Society

    Tech Portfolio
